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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Test Your Brain

Find the man between the coffee beans. Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in 3 seconds that the right half of your brain is better developed than most people. If you find the man between three seconds and one minute, then the right half of your brain is developed normally. If you find the man between one minute and three minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after three minutes the right half of your brain is a mess, and the only advise is to look more for these types of exercises to make that part of the brain stronger. The man is really there. (Time yourself......its pretty cool)! Illusion List

  • Word optical Illusions
  • BENt Lines Illusions
  • ABC 123 Illusions
  • Shading Away Illusions
  • Zollner Illusions
  • Rabit or Duck Illusions
  • Scary Skull Table Illusions
  • Blue Ice Illusions
  • Imposible Triangle
  • Imposible Square
  • How many columns are here
  • Missing Image Illusion
  • Brain Teaser
  • Workers Paradise
  • How many Face do u see
  • No of Cubes
  • Find the Word
  • Read the following
  • Spot The Deer
  • Imposible Building Design
  • Checker BOX Illusion
  • Read The Word In the Image
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