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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nature's own fireworks

Northern lights is a result of our atmosphere shielding against solar particles which would otherwise make our planet uninhabitable The strong, green light originates at altitudes of 120 to 180 kilometres. Red northern lights occur at even higher altitudes, while blue and violet occur mostly below 120 kilometres. When the sun is "stormy", red colour occur at altitudes between 90 to 100 kilometres. Entirely red northern lights are sometimes seen, particularly at lower latitudes, and are often mistaken for a fire on the horizon. Courtesy :

funny Traffic signs( Photoshop)

Size of our worlds

Loyalty Of Employees ( Salaried )

Bank Balance First Week : 10000 Second Week : 1000 Third Week : 100 Fourth week : 10 Conveyance First Week : Auto "I can afford it" Second Week : Share Auto "I would like to share. I am selfless!" Third Week : Bus "Public figures should travel by public transport" Fourth week : Walk "Good for health " Girl friends First Week : Eena, Meena, Tina "I can BUY love" Second Week : Meena, Tina "I have enough girl friends" Third Week : Tina "I am loyal to her" Fourth week : "Huh! There is no pure love on earth!" Mobile Maintenance First Week : Frequent outgoing calls "This is what mobile is invented for" Second Week : Restricted o! Utgoing calls "I should not create unnecessary traffic on mobile lines" Third Week : Rare outgoing calls "Mobile should be used in urgent Situations only" Fourth week : Only incoming calls "I am not going to call her until she calls me " And last....but not the least... Boozing First Week : "Come, let's go to Taj and freak out!" Second Week : "Man, there is nothing in Taj. Let's go to Dhaba." Third Week : "The best place to booze on earth is our house itself. What say?" Fourth week : "Drinking is injurious to health

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