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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Want to find out the passionate nature of your stars. Want to know what kind of a kisser you are and what role does your star sign play. Keep reading for insight into the passionate nature of the Signs and discover what your stars reveal about you and your romantic destiny! Aries Your kisses are quick and passionate. At times it is full of lustful pleasure that is there for some moment and then gone. You are in all a very passionate and lustful kisser. Taurus You are a kind of kisser whose kisses linger for hours together. Your kisses are soft, heartfelt and caring. Gemini Your kisses are interrupted by paroxysm of giggles, smiles and funny observations. You are not a lustful and passionate kisser but love to go slow, spicing up the moments of pleasure. Cancer Your kisses are soft, gentle, warm and tender, and you never want to let go of them. Leo Your kisses are wild and uninhibited just as your personality. You like to dominate even when you are making love. You like making love in the wild manner of biting and clawing and you expect applause for your performance, which sometimes you do get. According to you love should be wild and dangerous. Virgo Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished and then it will be difficult to stop for your partner will never want to let go of you. Libra You're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses. You are too busy worrying about your appearance; your looks and therefore you do not enjoy kissing so much since you are always freaked out over something or the other. Chill out and put some life in your kisses. Scorpio You skip the kiss and get straight to … whatever comes next for you. Sagittarius Your kisses are surprising, playful, mysterious and spontaneous that leaves your lover wanting for more. Capricorn When you kiss you relieve yourself of all the tension and stress. Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day. You kiss with all your heart and soul. Aquarius Your kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open. This shows that you love flirting and cannot be satisfied with one lover. Pisces Your kisses are starry-eyed, idealistic, romantic and long lasting. You are a very romantic person and kiss with full of love and passion.

ur eyebrows also says ...

Arched Brow The brow of beauty. You're born to the good things in life. Indicates harmony in relationships Upswept Brow A positive, optimistic brow. The sign of an activist brow. Downswept Brow Seductive. But could signal weakness to others Short Brow Gives the appearance of youth..and can be an asset. Shows independence and ambition Level Brow The brow of a career woman who also enjoys sports and the outdoor. Angular Brow Indicates a dramatic personality... creative, brilliant in financial matters Rounded Brow The brow of a businesswoman or perhaps an entertainer

Numerology (1 to 9)

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