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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Can v Spot our old cars

funny Life !! this Image could speak

Difference between Boys & Girls Minds!

Effective use of marker pen

Funny Keyboard just for windows OS

a recent study has show that microsoft windows users use a paticular combination of keys a lot this special keyboard will be handy

our fav Hoolywood Stars (childhood)

Read the word in the Image

If u cant see then follow the guidelines given below the code. You wont beleive it......its really amazing thing... :-D Now try pulling the corner of your eyes(move both ur eyeballs to the right corner of ur eyes and then see) as if you were Chinese Grin........................... It works n u can read it......Check it out! Close yor eyes almost 90% so that you can actually read it POST UR ANSWERS IN COMMENTS


Funny way to show ur awake

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